Nutrition Consultations
Whether your objective is to manage a health condition or to simply feel happier and healthier, Shivaun can help you to reach your goals by providing practical tips and specialist knowledge to look and feel your best.
As you make nutrition changes, Shivaun will coach you along a journey of self-discovery, equipping you with the skills to change not only nutrition, but any area of your health and lifestyle in the future.
So areas of focus may include -
Detailed review of your current dietary intake
Ongoing monitoring of your dietary intake
Tailored meal plans
Meal and snack ideas
Shopping and cooking tips
Recipes suited to your dietary requirements, ie. low FODMAP, vegetarian
Guides to support you to reach nutrient targets, ie. calcium, folate
Site visits to shopping centres, food courts, restaurants and cafés
Online analysis of menus

Shivaun can help with
Healthy eating
Weight and body composition
Optimising your dietary intake to suit your genes
Heart health
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Pre-diabetes and lowering risk factors, ie. elevated blood glucose levels
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Digestive health
Food intolerances
Coeliac disease
Pregnancy and fertility
Tailored meal planning
Meal and snack ideas
Shopping and cooking tips
Recipes suited to your dietary requirements, ie. low FODMAP, vegetarian
Guides to support you to reach nutrient targets, ie. calcium, folate
Label reading guides
Site visits to shopping centres, food courts, restaurants and cafés
Online analysis of menus
Prepare for your Consultation
Keep a food record preferably for 2 – 5 weekdays & 2 weekend days noting time & amounts of food & fluids are consumed
For example: 2 slices of wholemeal bread with 1/8 avocado and 2 poached eggs
Email me for a food diary or use an App such as myfitnesspal and simply add me as a ‘Friend’ using my email address: shivaun@discoveryhealthcoaching.com.
To allow me to view your food diary you will need to go into settings, then ‘sharing and privacy’, then select ‘diary sharing’ and choose ‘friends only’.
Send me through:
1. Any recent results, such as body composition scans, blood or gene tests
2. Relevant medical history & relevant family medical history
Fees & Rebates
You do not require a doctor's referral to book a Consultation
Private Health fund rebates are available with “extras cover” for Dietitian. Check with your fund to see if you are covered.
Medicare rebates are available for those with a chronic disease management program
15 min
Free1 hr
320 Australian dollars