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Shivaun Conn Kitchen 2

Fees & Rebates

Individual Health Coaching & Nutrition Consultations

Shivaun offers a telehealth and mobile health practitioner service. In-person consultations are arranged at your home, workplace, cafe, park, supermarket, or enjoy a coastal walk & talk.

Individual Consultations (online)

Initial Consultation (1 hour) $290
Review Consultation (1 hour) $260

Review Consultations (45 minutes) $220
Review Consultation (30 minutes) $18


In-person Individual Consultations (at your location)

Initial Consultation (1-1.5 hours) $42
Review Consultation (1 hour) $360
Review Consultation (30 minutes) $240


Couples Consultations (online)

Initial Consultation (90 minutes) $380

Review Consultation (45 minutes) $260


3/6/12 Month Health Coaching Programs

Starting from $1600 or $110 per week - see Health Coaching Programs for more details


All individual Health Coaching prices are exempt from GST. Fees and charges are accurate as at 1/01/2024 and may change without notice.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations and reschedule requests require a minimum  24 hours notice, otherwise the full fee will apply. 


Payments can be made via credit card, direct deposit, or cash.


Direct deposit payments will need to be made 2 working days before the consultation. Please use your name as the reference in the transfer and send remittance advices/bank receipts to


I accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

Available Rebates

Private Health Fund Rebates

Medicare Rebates

Shivaun is a registered provider for Medicare. A Medicare rebate is available in addition to a gap payment for patients referred by a GP under a Chronic Disease Management (formally Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) Program – simply ask your GP whether you qualify.

Medicare Logo

Private health fund rebates are available from most major health funds, depending on your level of extras cover. Ask your private health care fund about dietetic consultations.

Ready to get started?

Start with an Initial Consultation, or choose from my 3, 6 and 12 month Health Coaching programs.


Lets meet at your home, work, a cafe, or enjoy a coastal walk-and-talk, or we can meet over the phone or Zoom.


Apply for a free 15-minute Discovery Call to get started.

Looking for something different?

Reach out below and I will be in touch to discuss your needs

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